• Stepmothers Feel Like a Piece of Raw Meat Stepmothers, were you shocked to find that you have been 'left out to dry?" If you have ever felt this way, this blog is for you: “No one seems to care about what I feel.  I planned this beautiful event and the stepkids did not come.  Yet, they went to their mother’s event.  I do all of this work, but no one seems to notice. I’m taken for

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    Has the Divorce caused a Raw, Exposed Nerve?All Will Heal Did you ever wonder why the ex-wife just can't get over it?  Maybe, you are a stepmother who has been a part of the family for years, yet you still feel as though the ex-wife hates you.  You just don't understand it.  As you know, we study the art and science of stepfamily management here at The Evil Stepmother Speaks.   This blog

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    Every Stepmother Has That Moment When They Want to Say, "Kiss My Brisket" Do you ever find yourself asking your partner: “What did she/he say?” “No, really, tell me what happened.” “I don’t care what she does.” Next moment. “Tell me what she did.” Do you feel as if you can’t seem to stop yourself? Does it feel as if you are addicted? So, why are we talking and how can we

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    This is a guest post by Author and Stepmother, Holly Robinson Holly Robinson Always Includes Stepfamilies in Her Novels. There was a moment last spring when I poured a cup of tea, carried it into the dining room to read the newspaper, then froze mid-sip when I noticed the date above the headlines. At that very moment, my husband’s ex-wife was enjoying the first day of her vacation in

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    Who is that Stepmother Woman? It is easy to think of the stepmother as that woman your ex partner married.  If the stepmother is just that woman who is in the house, it lessens the pain of the divorce and the consequences that failed relationship has brought.  After all, the worst part of a divorce is the consequences wrought upon the children.  As the children begin their journey between

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    Stepmothers and MothersAre We Like the Mean Girls in High School?We Should Know Better! Have you ever felt as if your stepfamily life mirrored your high school years?  Girls talking about one another?  Never feeling as if you were good enought?  Pretty enough?  Smart enough?  (Sounds like the SNL character Stuart Smalley) Life in high school was stressful. It was like you were

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    Anne Taintor's Images Encapsulate the Ultimate Passive Aggressive Behavior. Big Smiles. Their Thoughts are In the Words. We love Anne Taintor! Passive aggressiveness runs rampant in our stepfamilies.  I hypothesize that there is a minimum of one family member who exhibits these behaviors.  Are you one of the passive aggressive family members?  Or, are you living with passive aggressive

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    When Will Stepmothers Get Their Justice? When will I get justice?  Have you ever thought about justice?  I know that I have. Does any of this sound familiar? "I do all of this work.  When will someone thank me?" " I am always the one picking up the pieces.  Yet, I never get asked.  It's just assumed I'll watch the kids or cook the meals." "I am everyone's doormat." "IT'S JUST UNFAIR!

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    What If There Was a Beautiful Stepfamily and You Couldn't See It? They say that the definition of stupidity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result.  If we were to be honest with ourselves, do we do the same things?  Do we avoid the hard work associated with change?  Do we want to avoid any vulnerability to our stepfamily members? Do we just want things to be

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    Starbucks is More Than a Cup of Coffee.What Do You Stand For? Have you ever thought about what is truly galvanizing you towards your life's legacy?  I was moved to think about this question as I watched Oprah interview Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks.  Starbucks provides an aggressive benefits package for its employees that work 20 hours or more per week.  How great is that?  (As a side

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