• Stepmom Help – The 2012 INSPIRED Stepmom: How Great Would That Be!

  • Stepmom Help Stepfamily Step Children

    Stepmoms That Are Comfortable With Themselves Are Truly Inspired

    Ever wonder why some stepmoms live happily ever after while others do not?  They have transformed themselves into inspired stepmothers.  Inspired stepmoms lead by being themselves.  They all think, act and communicate the same way.  They speak heart to heart.  The inspired stepmom is comfortable being herself.

    Your children, family, friends and society will be attracted to you from the inside out.  It is not what you do, but why you are doing it.  You must come from a clean place.  The critical understanding is to be clear on why you are doing things.  It sounds easy, but getting your stepmom emotions “clean” is a “dirty” job.  Jealousy, low self esteem and fear can divert even the best stepmom’s efforts.  Do your best to be honest with yourself.  If you need additional assistance, go to Byron Katie’s site, The Work.  Once there, look for the “Judge Your Neighbor” worksheet.  Fill it out and see if it helps.  You may be amazed.

    Authenticity is the key.  Doing things because you feel others want you to do them, won’t work within your family. Your family members will pick up on your inauthenticity right away. The first ones to pick up on it will be the children.  The next time you feel perplexed as to what to do with your stepfamily, stop and do nothing.  Take 3 breaths.  Just be yourself.  You will be amazed at the power of just being.