• Does One plus One = Two in a Stepfamily? Stepfamily Math I always thought that we could tell our stepfamily's story by using mathematical symbols. By using mathematical symbols, we can see our story a different way.  See if you can interpret the story. BM + DH = SK SK = SD + SS DH - BM = Divorce Divorce = (DH + SK) + (BM + SK) DH + SK = 1 BM + SK = 1 SM = Nice person DH + SM = 1 DH

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    Stepmoms and the Ex: Does familiarity breed contempt?Picture by Anne Taintor I’m bringing bitchy back Them other girls don’t know how to act Sometimes I think that stepmothers and ex-wives should have a t shirt that says, “We’re Bringing Bitchy Back”.  Maybe, I should create a rap video of the same name.  Let’s face it. Many of us act really bitchy towards the ex-wife or

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    We Need Some StepMommy-isms! I love mommy-isms.  You know what they are.  They are the classic expressions that your mother used and you swore that you would never say.  But, then, you find that you are saying them.  Some are wise.  Some are ridiculous.  Some are downright horrible and some would generate a call to your state’s child protective services.  I thought it would be fun to

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    Stepmothers: Can We Create a Soft Place to Land for Our Children? Ourselves? Our Partners?(Source: coloribus.com) Dr. Laura Schlesinger always advises her clients that they should never marry a person with children.  She advises that divorced parents should focus should on the children and there is not room for another person.  She also argues that there will always be resentments on all

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    There are a thousand situations, but I thought it may be nice to have a cheat sheet for just a couple of the more common situations.  It's a start!  Let's face it.  There are rules for sports.  Rules at work.  Rules at school  What about rules for the stepfamily.  As I always say, "Stepfamilies are not for the faint of heart". It would sure be easier if we could make a list of rules.  Here

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    Do Our Stepchildren Feel Entitled? I hear that word constantly.  My stepchildren feel entitled.  Their Mom feels entitled.  Everyone seems to feel entitled except us.  Hmmm…I wonder if that’s true?  Let’s tear it apart a bit and see if we can find a solution. What do we mean by entitled?  The word entitled means that you feel as if you deserve things that you have not

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    The Stepfamily MantraAhh! My Dad Married the Evil Stepmother! Run! Has your stepfamily ever told you that they are afraid of you?  Don't be surprised if they are terrified.  Yes, I said 'terrified'.  No one will tell you that they are scared.  In fact, they may act as if they tower over you and give you the impression that you are powerless.  Have you seen this type of behavior by your

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    The Very Involved Stepparent May Be a Pain!www.AnneTaintor.com I just realized that I have been a pain in the ass.  It hit me like a lightning bolt.  Let me explain my thinking. When I became a stepmother, I jumped in with two feet.  I was so excited to be related to my stepchildren.  I loved being part of their lives.  I also felt as if I might have something to offer them.  I had no

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    Drop Anchors, Not BombsFind This Image and T Shirt on The Beat Box sitehttp://www.thebeat-box.com/2012/05/ahoy-obey-clothing-drops-anchors.html When you live in a remarried home, there are tons of moving parts.  Kids are going back and forth.  We are working.  Relationships go up and down.  Emotions swirl around our heads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Much like the waves of the ocean can

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    Stepmothers and Mothers Are Human Beings with Basic Human Needs I always wanted to tape  a frank conversation between a stepmother and a Mother.  I always had this theory that if we could hear each other, we may think differently about the way we think, act and speak.  I am anxious to hear your feedback on the conversation. This is a personal conversation between me and a friend of

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