• Do you think that when a woman is deeply hurt the rest of us feel the pain? Are we all connected energetically? If so, that would explain the pain that I feel for Maria Shriver. It makes my heart pound every time that I hear the news describing how Arnold Schwarzenegger cheated on his wife. The story describing how he fathered a child, at the same time that Maria was pregnant is terrifying to hear. Do you think that we see ourselves even though we may not have been in that exact situation?

    Betrayal. Trust. Anger. Fear. Confusion. Bitterness. The world is upside down. What do I do now? Do I have a future at all? What will happen to my children? How can I save them? How can I save myself?

    Welcome to the world of divorce. Separation leaves you smack in the middle of ‘Square 1’ of Dr. Martha Beck’s Change Cycle model. Square 1 is initiated by a cataclysmic event and sends you into a place that says: “I don’t know what’s going on and that’s okay”. This is the time of life where you feel as if you do not recognize yourself. Square 1 has no room for judgment and it has a way of attracting your best friends to you. It also takes your children along for the same ride. The entire family is going through a death and rebirth.

    Let’s send out our female energy to Maria and her children and encircle them with love. In this way, we stay connected