• What if all step moms were automatically eligible for a medical marijuana prescription?   A simple act like this could save American society as we know it. Remember the best selling book Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner?  Freakonomics is the study of how incentives actually have shaped our economies and societies.  In other words, it is the hidden side of human behavior.  Check out their awesome website at Freakonomics.com.  So, let’s look at step-pot practically.

    Almost half of American families are in some type of step family structure.  Of those families, they are at a very high risk of divorce.  Some say that these families have a 65% to 75% chance of failing.  Every time a family crumbles, children are the ultimate victims.  Statistically, these kids are more apt to do poorly in school.  They certainly will be in emotional turmoil, which cannot be good for anyone.  Economically, families split and are now struggling financially.  We all know the story.

    Think about this.  If the step mom had a medical marijuana option, reactions to family situations would be very different.  When the kids tell her that she is not their real mom and that they do not have to listen to her, the old response may have been frustration and anger.  With the new ‘medicine’ in hand, the new reaction is:  “Sounds good to me!”  When stepmom is called a bitch, Stepmom is comfortable with the new title of  “bitch”.  Arguments between the stepmom and spouse magically disappear.  Wouldn’t it be great to have a totally relaxed stepmom?  The new stepmom does not care about how clean the house is and does not ask anyone to do anything, as long as her prescription is filled.  Stereotypes would change from “evil” or “wicked” to “easy going” and “fun”.

    Today, women would rather not date a man with ‘baggage’.  ‘Baggage’ is code for children and ex wives.  But, if women knew that a medical marijuana prescription was the prize at the end of the tunnel, men with children would be the top picks at Match.com.  All of a sudden, ‘baggage’ would equate to a good time.

    In the stepmom world, we are often dismissed at parties and family events.  Now, we are the life of the party!  In fact, I think we would be the first on the list.  I can hear it now from all of the spouse’s old friends:  “Hey, Bob!  Come over to a BBQ on Saturday night and don’t forget to bring that new, fun wife with you!”  Who knows?  Maybe, the step kids will start inviting you to their parties.

    Watch Freakonomics at work! The stepfamily becomes the family unit of choice!  Step moms become a coveted position in American society.  Am I on to something?