THE EVIL STEPMOTHER SPEAKS: A Guide for Stepfamilies Who Want to Love and Laugh
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Ever said or thought any of these?
“I didn’t sign up for this!”
“I can’t tell anyone how I really feel!”
“I don’t want to be divorced (again)?”
Here is what you will learn:
1. It’s not our fault. There is real science behind the entire family’s behavior2. What is every family member thinking and feeling?3. Concrete tips and tools“This is a lovely reassuring book for stepparents.” ~ Dr. Martha Beck, Best-selling author and Columnist for O Magazine, The Oprah Magazine
The best book on step parenting ever written!~ Annette B. (My Mom)
Once upon a time, in a family down the street, there was a King and a Queen. They never believed that they would be divorced. But, then again, none of us ever believe that! Naively, the stepmother joins the family with no idea what will befall her. The Evil Stepmother Speaks takes you on the stepmother’s journey as she seeks to find the magic potion that will blend her family. You will laugh and cry as you meet the mystical characters that teach the secrets of life and family happiness.
The Evil Stepmother Speaks is the new fairy tale. You will learn practical ideas to help your family bond, while making your soul sing. You may have a laugh or two along the way! Ilene C. (Stepmom)
FINALLY! The book that tells me exactly what to do is here! What took you so long? Jill N. (Stepmom)
You need to publish this book SOON because I really, really need to have a copy in my hands – bound with pages that I can flip back and forth to and read the important parts over and over, and highlight and dog ear, etc! I know this will become one of my very important stepmom resources! ~ Oralia (Stepmom)
Special offer for all of you who pre-order on this site!
- Your books will be signed
- Free ticket to The Evil Stepmother Speaks teleclass: Part I (Chapters 1-4)
Join me when I teach the lessons in the book, LIVE
We’ll practice the techniques and there will be live coaching.
You are anonymous on the calls, so it will be a great place to tall, find answers and share best practices.
Can’t make it? Class downloads are there for you to listen at your convenience. - Free “Talk Me Off the Ledge” recording. Ever have a horrible stepmother day? You know that I mean. It’s that day that just makes you want to bail out! I made this recording to save yourself. It’s a form of a meditation tape, but especially for us. Drop it into your ipod and when you are having a ‘moment’. Listen! I’ll be able to talk you down!
My Story Goes Like Your Story…Tell Me If I’m Wrong
I have been a stepmother for over 20 years. I have three stepchildren and one bio son. Like you, I was thrilled to be remarried and a stepmother. Whoa! It was harder than it looked. People started saying to me things like, “Your family looks happy. Why are you guys laughing? No one would ever know it is a blended family. How did you do it?” I started to pay attention to what I was doing. I studied with Dr. Martha Beck to hone my skills. I realized that my years in corporate America, my experience as a teacher and the lessons I learned while getting my masters degree all contributed to a possible answer. I just had to take a stab at it.
Most Of All…The Evil Stepmother Speaks is a love letter to StepParents Everywhere!
Isn’t it funny that we are so open to spending money and time on weight loss or get rich schemes. Yet, we hesitate when it comes to our family relationships.