Stepmoms Feel Like They Have The Devil On One Shoulder and the Angel On The Other The angel and the devil sits on the shoulders of all stepmoms. You know what I mean. Mother's Day is a perfect example. The angel on my right shoulder says: "I don't want to cause any conflicts. I want the kids to spend time with their mother. This is my main concern." The devil on my left shoulder whispers the following: "I work really hard. After all I have done for those kids, the least they can do is spend some time with me on Mother's Day. I deserve to be recognized!" The conflicted feelings make me just hate Mother's Day. But, then I think, "Hey! Just like everything else about my life as a stepmother, Mother's Day makes me face a core human need: Seen, Heard, Mattered." At the end of the day, isn't that what we all want? We want to know that we mattered. We want to be heard. Since Mother's Day is a day of recognition, it brings those core needs to the
As a stepmom, I secretly always thought to myself…what would I rather do? Face Mother’s Day or poke my eyes out with sticks? I choose the second option. If step moms were going to be honest, they would tell you that Mother’s Day is a nightmare. Mother’s Day is a guiltfest for the stepchildren. It is just a lose-lose proposition for them. If they spend the day with their bio mom, then
Osama Bin Laden is dead. As a Mom, I always wonder how we got here. He started out no different than the rest of us. He was a darling baby who was loved by his parents. His Mom adored him like we adore all of our children. So, what happened and what can we learn? One thought always seemed clear. Osama felt that the U.S had betrayed "his" country and "his" people and, as a result, a
Even if you are a member of the royal family, when you are the stepmom, we all get treated the same way. What should you do with us? It is a topic that has stumped people throughout the royal ages. Should we walk down the aisle? Or, should we just be seated up front? Do we shop for the wedding dress with the bride? Never! Do we make a toast? Where do we sit? Are we thanked at the wedding?
Just in case you haven’t heard, the new rage among teenagers is ‘Spock’ or elf ears. Yes, you can get pointy ears. Kids can visit body modification artists like Steve Haworth and reshape their ears. Now all children can look like elves or like Mr. Spock. The best news is that this procedure is permanent. Whenever I hear these stories, I immediately think of the unwitting parents who gave
Jim Toth is a very lucky man. He is the guy who married Reese Witherspoon this past weekend. No, he is not my buddy, but we are now permanently connected into ‘Stepworld’ together. You would think that Jim is lucky because he married a beautiful, wealthy, famous actress. That’s all nice, but he will find out that the greatest reward that he will gain from this marriage will be his
As always, artists say it best. I just love Marvin Gaye and Tammy Terrell and no one sings it better: "Ain't No Mountain High Enough". I'll be there for you no matter what! Ask nothing from your stepchildren. Just love, enjoy and support them. They have been through enough and the last thing they need is for someone else to make demands of them. How about just supportive silence? Consider total
Brad Womack, The Bachelor, proposed to his chosen one, Emily Maynard, by saying that he wanted to “… be a father to her daughter, NOT a stepfather”. Really? Here we go again. Okay, so what exactly does that mean? Let me take a stab at it. A father is a highly responsible person who spends time with their children. A father commits their resources, both financial and
WHO REALLY RULES THE WORLD? Barack Obama? Steve Jobs? The Chinese? Wrong. The power lies in the stepmother and I can prove it. Throughout literature, it has been the stepmother who has been pictured as the source of all evil: passionate for power and dedicating her life to torturing all who tried to stop her evil plan. Really? I never quite understood what the plan was??
So, here’s how it goes. When you remarry and visit the new extended family, it is totally reasonable to see pictures of your spouse and their ex. After all, this is a viable piece of family history. Then, time goes on. Year #1, #2, #3, #4, #5….stop….time to visit the extended family again. Hmmm……yes, the old pictures are still up. So, you come up with a brilliant idea.